module Distribution.License (
) where
import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import Prelude ()
import Distribution.Parsec.Class
import Distribution.Pretty
import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Version
import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
import qualified Distribution.Compat.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Distribution.Compat.ReadP as Parse
import qualified Distribution.SPDX as SPDX
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
data License =
GPL (Maybe Version)
| AGPL (Maybe Version)
| LGPL (Maybe Version)
| BSD2
| BSD3
| BSD4
| MPL Version
| Apache (Maybe Version)
| PublicDomain
| AllRightsReserved
| UnspecifiedLicense
| OtherLicense
| UnknownLicense String
deriving (Generic, Read, Show, Eq, Typeable, Data)
instance Binary License
instance NFData License where rnf = genericRnf
knownLicenses :: [License]
knownLicenses = [ GPL unversioned, GPL (version [2]), GPL (version [3])
, LGPL unversioned, LGPL (version [2, 1]), LGPL (version [3])
, AGPL unversioned, AGPL (version [3])
, MPL (mkVersion [2, 0])
, Apache unversioned, Apache (version [2, 0])
, PublicDomain, AllRightsReserved, OtherLicense]
unversioned = Nothing
version = Just . mkVersion
licenseToSPDX :: License -> SPDX.License
licenseToSPDX l = case l of
GPL v | v == version [2] -> spdx SPDX.GPL_2_0_only
GPL v | v == version [3] -> spdx SPDX.GPL_3_0_only
LGPL v | v == version [2,1] -> spdx SPDX.LGPL_2_1_only
LGPL v | v == version [3] -> spdx SPDX.LGPL_3_0_only
AGPL v | v == version [3] -> spdx SPDX.AGPL_3_0_only
BSD2 -> spdx SPDX.BSD_2_Clause
BSD3 -> spdx SPDX.BSD_3_Clause
BSD4 -> spdx SPDX.BSD_4_Clause
MIT -> spdx SPDX.MIT
ISC -> spdx SPDX.ISC
MPL v | v == mkVersion [2,0] -> spdx SPDX.MPL_2_0
Apache v | v == version [2,0] -> spdx SPDX.Apache_2_0
AllRightsReserved -> SPDX.NONE
UnspecifiedLicense -> SPDX.NONE
OtherLicense -> ref (SPDX.mkLicenseRef' Nothing "OtherLicense")
PublicDomain -> ref (SPDX.mkLicenseRef' Nothing "PublicDomain")
UnknownLicense str -> ref (SPDX.mkLicenseRef' Nothing str)
_ -> ref (SPDX.mkLicenseRef' Nothing $ prettyShow l)
version = Just . mkVersion
spdx = SPDX.License . SPDX.simpleLicenseExpression
ref r = SPDX.License $ SPDX.ELicense (SPDX.ELicenseRef r) Nothing
licenseFromSPDX :: SPDX.License -> License
licenseFromSPDX SPDX.NONE = AllRightsReserved
licenseFromSPDX l =
fromMaybe (mungle $ prettyShow l) $ Map.lookup l m
m :: Map.Map SPDX.License License
m = Map.fromList $ filter (isSimple . fst ) $
map (\x -> (licenseToSPDX x, x)) knownLicenses
isSimple (SPDX.License (SPDX.ELicense (SPDX.ELicenseId _) Nothing)) = True
isSimple _ = False
mungle name = fromMaybe (UnknownLicense (mapMaybe mangle name)) (simpleParsec name)
mangle c
| isAlphaNum c = Just c
| otherwise = Nothing
instance Pretty License where
pretty (GPL version) = Disp.text "GPL" <<>> dispOptVersion version
pretty (LGPL version) = Disp.text "LGPL" <<>> dispOptVersion version
pretty (AGPL version) = Disp.text "AGPL" <<>> dispOptVersion version
pretty (MPL version) = Disp.text "MPL" <<>> dispVersion version
pretty (Apache version) = Disp.text "Apache" <<>> dispOptVersion version
pretty (UnknownLicense other) = Disp.text other
pretty other = Disp.text (show other)
instance Parsec License where
parsec = do
name <- P.munch1 isAlphaNum
version <- P.optional (P.char '-' *> parsec)
return $! case (name, version :: Maybe Version) of
("GPL", _ ) -> GPL version
("LGPL", _ ) -> LGPL version
("AGPL", _ ) -> AGPL version
("BSD2", Nothing) -> BSD2
("BSD3", Nothing) -> BSD3
("BSD4", Nothing) -> BSD4
("ISC", Nothing) -> ISC
("MIT", Nothing) -> MIT
("MPL", Just version') -> MPL version'
("Apache", _ ) -> Apache version
("PublicDomain", Nothing) -> PublicDomain
("AllRightsReserved", Nothing) -> AllRightsReserved
("OtherLicense", Nothing) -> OtherLicense
_ -> UnknownLicense $ name ++
maybe "" (('-':) . display) version
instance Text License where
parse = do
name <- Parse.munch1 (\c -> isAlphaNum c && c /= '-')
version <- Parse.option Nothing (Parse.char '-' >> fmap Just parse)
return $! case (name, version :: Maybe Version) of
("GPL", _ ) -> GPL version
("LGPL", _ ) -> LGPL version
("AGPL", _ ) -> AGPL version
("BSD2", Nothing) -> BSD2
("BSD3", Nothing) -> BSD3
("BSD4", Nothing) -> BSD4
("ISC", Nothing) -> ISC
("MIT", Nothing) -> MIT
("MPL", Just version') -> MPL version'
("Apache", _ ) -> Apache version
("PublicDomain", Nothing) -> PublicDomain
("AllRightsReserved", Nothing) -> AllRightsReserved
("OtherLicense", Nothing) -> OtherLicense
_ -> UnknownLicense $ name ++
maybe "" (('-':) . display) version
dispOptVersion :: Maybe Version -> Disp.Doc
dispOptVersion Nothing = Disp.empty
dispOptVersion (Just v) = dispVersion v
dispVersion :: Version -> Disp.Doc
dispVersion v = Disp.char '-' <<>> disp v